Apply Now for University Of Abuja (UNIABUJA) Sandwich Degree Admission Form For 2023 Contact Session. The requirements and how to apply is present below.
UNIABUJA Sandwich Degree Admission Form
The University of Abuja invites qualified candidates to apply for admission into the Institute of Education Sandwich degree programs for the 2023 Contact Session. Discover the range of programs offered and the requirements for admission.
List of UNIABUJA Sandwich Degree Courses
The following Sandwich degree programs are available for the 2023 Contact Session:
- BSc (Ed) Agricultural Science
- BA (Ed) Arabic
- BSc (Ed) Biology
- BSc (Ed) Chemistry
- BA (Ed) Christian Studies
- BSc (Ed) Economics
- BA (Ed) English Language
- BS (Ed) Environmental Science
- BSc (Ed) Geography
- BEd Educational Administration and Planning
- BA (Ed) Guidance and Counselling
- BA (Ed) History
- BSc (Ed) Integrated Science
- BA (Ed) Islamic Studies
- BSc (Ed) Library and Information Science
- BSc (Ed) Mathematics
- BSc (Ed) Physics
- BEd Primary Education
- BEd Social Studies
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Do you pay tuition fees for a sandwich year?
UNIABUJA Sandwich Degree Admission Requirements
- Five (5) ‘O’ level credits, including English Language and Mathematics, for entry into the 100 level.
- NCE with a minimum of 10 points, in addition to the ‘O’ level credit requirement, for entry into the 200 level.
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How to Apply for UNIABUJA Sandwich Degree Admission Form
UNIABUJA Sandwich Application Fee:
A non-refundable Application fee of N10,500.00 should be paid to the University of Abuja Account through REMITA via the University of Abuja Portal. NOTE: Applicants are advised to access REMITA through the University of Abuja Portal below for record purposes.
How to apply for UNIABUJA Sandwich:
- Visit
- Click on “Click here to apply.”
- On the left pane, click on Institute of Education.
- Enter the requested details (surname, first name, other names, email and phone number) and click Next
- On the payment preview page, click on Generate RRR.
- Click make a payment, and you will be redirected to remita platform, enter your card details (Master Card or Visa Card)
- After a successful payment, you will be redirected back to the portal and application number generated, and you will be logout out.
- Click on “Main Login”, enter the generated application number and surname as the password to continue the application process.
Deadline: The sale of application forms will close on Sunday, 28th May 2023.