Lagos State Agripreneurship Training Programme 2023/2024 -Register Now

LAGOS AGRIPRENEURSHIP PROGRAMME (LAP)  APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION INTO ONE-MONTH INTENSIVE AGRICULTURAL TRAINING – Lagos Agripreneurship Programme (LAP.) is a social intervention programme aimed at exposing the youth to agriculture via training utilising modern agricultural techniques and practices towards job and wealth creation.

Applications are hereby invited from suitably qualified candidates for placement into the One-Month Training in Poultry, Aquaculture, Vegetable Value Chains, E-Agric and Agribusiness at the Lagos State Agricultural Training Institute (ATI), Araga, Epe for the 2023 Lagos State Agripreneurship programme.  At the completion of training, participants will also undergo a three (3) month internship and mentorship phase of L.A.P in their chosen value chains

Who Can Apply for LAP 2023

Unemployed women and youth with a passion for agriculture who must:

  • Possess a minimum of Senior Secondary School Certificate.
  • Have a satisfactory physical/health condition.
  • Be between the ages of 18-35 for males and 18-40 years for females.

How to Apply for Lagos State Agripreneurship Programme 2023/2024

  1. Qualified Applicants are required to visit the LAP APPLICATION PORTAL to fill the online application form.
  2. Applicants should follow the online instructions on filling the registration form and upload required documents (Applicant’s LASRRA Card and Academic Credentials)
  3. Applicants are advised to take pictures of the above mentioned documents and store on their Smart Phones, Tablets or Laptop / Desktop computers prior to accessing the registration portal. This is for the ease of uploading the documents on request.
  4. Applicants are instructed to fill in all required details as failing to do so would render their application incomplete
  5. Shortlisted candidates will be notified through SMS to attempt online Aptitude Test on dates to be slated for each month.

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