Cover Letter Format For any Job Application

Cover Letter Format & Writing – You probably have been told to submit your application alongside with a cover letter, and you don’t know exactly what to do or probably not so sure. This guide is aimed at teaching you how to write a superb cover letter to get that dream job or application in Nigeria and overseas.

What is cover letter for resume/application?

Simply explained, a cover letter is a one-page document that you are often required to send with your resume/application when applying for a job or scholarship.

This piece of document is meant to: Introduce you to the hiring manager/scholarship board. It gives them an idea why you are the right person for the opportunity.

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The purpose of a cover letter

Whatever be the reason of writing a cover letter, your cover letter must contain some key information and it must do the function of the things as listed below.

  1. It must introduce you
  2. It must contain what you are applying for
  3. It must contain the basic requirements of the job you are applying for
  4. It must catch the interest of the reader to read your final resume
  5. It must finish with a call to action (e.g., requesting for an interview, asking to meet or reply)

Approved structure and format of a cover letter

A standard cover letter shouldn’t be more than one page with a font size between 10-12 points. Include contact information in the cover letter and ensure it is addressed directly to a named individual whenever possible.

As stated above the cover letter has an approved structure. Check out the sample structure below

Introduction Part: 1st paragraph

  • Describe yourself and what you are applying for (e.g. “I am an Economics graduate. I am writing to express my interest in the Economist position with [******* company].”)
  • State why you are interested in applying for the position and organization

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Body Part: 2-3 paragraphs

  • Talk about your experience that support your ability to be perform well in the position or organization

Closing Part: Last paragraph

  • Here, you thank the reader for their time.
  • Moderately emphasize why you are a good candidate for the opportunity
  • State your desire for an interview and include your contact information (phone/email). Ensure your email contains your name ( is better than

Additional Information

  • Use standard, acceptable margins for the page layout (MS Word default)
  • Use business letter style
  • Block style is acceptable, with text flush with left margin

Important Do’s & Don’ts of Cover Letters

Ensure you don’t repeat the information found in resume,on the other hand you should do the below

  • Sum-up important qualities, areas of expertise, and motivation about field or position of interest
  • Include information about availability
  • Try to keep the cover letter one paged; however, two pages is acceptable, when you have a lot of work experiences.

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